从越南战争中奔跑的“凝固汽油弹女孩”到安妮·弗兰克和大屠杀,儿童往往象征着人类最深重的痛苦和苦难。比巴斯兄弟——4 岁的阿里尔和 9 个月大的克菲尔——两个红头发的男孩,于 2023 年 10 月 7 日与父母一起被绑架,现在必须加入这个名单。
500 多天来,以色列人、散居国外的犹太人和世界各地的善良人们一直焦急地祈祷他们平安归来——却发现他们很可能在几个月前就被杀害了——他们的遗体和他们母亲希里的遗体于 2 月 20 日被哈马斯送回以色列。虽然悲痛的冲击波在全球回荡,但这一损失可能会对以色列和整个中东地区产生永久的影响。事实上,“两国解决方案”可能不仅仅是暂停了——它随着比巴斯兄弟和他们的母亲在加沙隧道中的死亡而消亡。
对于以色列来说,该国曾经充满活力的和平主义者社区自 10 月 7 日以来迅速瓦解,比巴斯男孩的遇害可能是压垮以色列的最后一根稻草。甚至在他们的死亡得到证实之前,一些以色列人就已经表示“……看不到和平的曙光”,而其他人则更明确地表示,他们不再相信与巴勒斯坦人实现和平。最近的一项调查发现,近 90% 的以色列人不相信巴勒斯坦人是值得信任的,这凸显了结束冲突的希望越来越渺茫。现在,随着比巴斯男孩死亡的确认,以色列社会无疑会变得更加强硬,使与巴勒斯坦人的任何和解与和平的想法变得更加难以接受。
From the running “Napalm Girl” of the Vietnam War to Anne Frank and the Holocaust, children often come to symbolize the worst of human pain and suffering. The Bibas brothers—4-year-old Ariel and 9-month-old Kfir—two red-headed boys who were kidnapped along with their parents on Oct. 7, 2023, must now be added to this list.
For more than 500 days, Israelis, Jews in the diaspora, and decent people around the world have anxiously prayed for their safe return—only to find out that they were likely killed many months ago—their remains along with the body of their mother Shiri returned to Israel on Feb. 20by Hamas. And while shockwaves of grief reverberate around the globe, this loss may have an impact on Israel and the broader Middle East that is felt forever. Indeed, it is likely that the “two-state solution” hasn’t just been paused—it died with the Bibas brothers and their mother in the tunnels of Gaza.
For Israel—where the country’s once vibrant peacenik community has rapidly dissolved since Oct. 7—the killing of the Bibas boys is likely the nail in the coffin. Even before their deaths were confirmed, some Israelis had already expressed there was “…no peace on the horizon,” while others stated more explicitly they no longer believe peace with the Palestinians is attainable. Underscoring the dwindling prospect of an end to the conflict, a recent survey found that nearly 90 percent of Israelis don’t believe Palestinians can be trusted. Now, with confirmation that the Bibas boys are dead, Israeli society will no doubt harden even further, making any idea of reconciliation and peace with the Palestinians all the more unpalatable.