
Source: Trump’s America is Putin’s ally now – POLITICO

战争迫使人们选择一方。而在欧洲许多人看来,唐纳德·特朗普站在了弗拉基米尔·普京一边。 总统对俄乌冲突进行了为期七天的干预,让乌克兰及其许多盟友的噩梦成真,颠覆了自 1945 年以来支撑欧洲安全的跨大西洋关系。 欧洲政客们开始意识到他们的世界发生了多么深刻的变化:他们现在必须面对一个对他们所代表的旧世界往好处想是持怀疑态度、往坏处想是充满敌意的美国。 如果人们对特朗普愿意在欧洲树敌的程度还有任何疑虑,那么周二晚上他指责乌克兰“挑起”了与俄罗斯的战争,结束了人们的怀疑。如此公然藐视三年前普京无端入侵的事实,甚至震惊了美国在该地区最忠实的朋友。在乔·拜登担任总统近三年来坚定支持乌克兰的抵抗之后,白宫新主人开始重复普京的言论。在周三的一次新抨击中,他将乌克兰总统泽连斯基称为“独裁者”,因为他没有宣布选举,并认为他并不太关心战争的结果。

The thing about a war is it forces people to pick a side. And Donald Trump, it seems to many in Europe, is siding with Vladimir Putin.

Seven days of presidential interventions in the Russia-Ukraine conflict have made real the nightmares of Ukrainians and many of their allies, upending the transatlantic relationship that has underpinned European security since 1945.

Europe’s politicians are beginning to grasp how profoundly their world has changed: They must now deal with an America that is at best skeptical and at worst hostile to the old world they represent.

If there were any lingering doubts about the extent of Trump’s willingness to make enemies in Europe, he ended it Tuesday night when he blamed Ukraine for having “started” the war with Russia. Such blatant defiance of the fact of Putin’s unprovoked invasion three years ago shocked even America’s most loyal friends in the region.

After almost three years of staunch support for Ukraine’s resistance under Joe Biden’s presidency, the new man in the White House is spouting Putin’s lines. In a fresh diatribe on Wednesday, he branded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksyy a “dictator” for not calling elections, and admitted he didn’t care much about the outcome of the war.

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