英语:唐纳德·特朗普没有赦免每名 1 月6 日囚犯


重新上任的总统唐纳德特朗普已经赦免或发誓撤销几乎所有参与 2021 年 1 月 6 日袭击美国国会大厦的案件。

这意味着超过 1500 人,包括被判犯有袭击警察罪的人,将不再被指控犯有这些罪行。

14 名涉案人员没有被赦免,而是被减刑,这意味着那些仍被监禁的人可以从监狱获释。

唐纳德特朗普立即兑现了赦免参与 2021 年 1 月 6 日袭击美国国会大厦的人的承诺,这表明新行政部门和司法系统在如何看待骚乱方面的冲突。

大多数判决是针对相对较低级别的罪行,例如非法游行或在国会大厦示威。 特朗普在减刑而不是赦免这 14 人方面作了区分,他们被判犯有更严重的指控,如煽动阴谋。

Returning President Donald Trump has pardoned or vowed to dismiss the cases of almost every one involved in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

It means more than 1,500 people, including people convicted of assaulting police officers, will no longer be charged with those crimes.

Fourteen of those involved, listed below, were not pardoned but instead had their sentences commuted, meaning those still incarcerated can be released from prison.

Donald Trump immediately making good his promise to pardon those involved in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol building demonstrates the clash in how the new executive and the justice system view the riot.

Most sentences were given for relatively low-level offenses, such as illegally parading or demonstrating in the Capitol. Trump has drawn a line in commuting rather than pardoning these 14, who were convicted of more serious charges such as seditious conspiracy.

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