Source: Since beginning of full-scale war, 147 artists and 95 journalists killed in Ukraine
乌克兰通讯社报道,乌克兰文化和战略传播部发布的消息,俄罗斯侵略已造成乌克兰境内多达 147 名艺术家和 95 名媒体工作者丧生。声明中写道,“战争夺去了 147 名乌克兰艺术家和 95 名媒体工作者的生命。这些数字不仅显示了损失的规模,也提醒我们历史上的悲惨篇章。正如斯大林政权在 20 世纪 20 年代和 30 年代初消灭了一代乌克兰艺术家一样,俄罗斯现在也在故意消灭乌克兰的文化精英。”据该部称,记者现在在乌克兰的工作风险增加,遇难者中不仅有乌克兰人,还有七名在乌克兰报道事件的外国媒体工作者。 该部表示:“俄罗斯对记者和媒体犯下的系统性犯罪对言论自由和信息安全构成了严重威胁,破坏了民主价值观和人权。” 据报道,截至2024年12月25日,自俄罗斯全面入侵以来,已有2156个文化基础设施遭到破坏或摧毁。
That’s according to the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.
“The war claimed the lives of 147 Ukrainian artists and 95 media workers. These figures not only show the scale of the losses but also remind us of the tragic pages of our history. Just as the Stalinist regime eliminated a generation of Ukrainian artists in the 20s and early 30s of the twentieth century, so Russia is now deliberately eliminating Ukraine’s cultural elite,” the statement reads.
According to the ministry, journalists are now working in Ukraine under conditions of increased risk, and among those killed are not only Ukrainians but also seven foreign media workers who were covering events in Ukraine.
“The systematic crimes against journalists and the media committed by Russia pose a serious threat to freedom of expression and information security, undermining democratic values and human rights,” the ministry said.
As reported, as of December 25, 2024, 2,156 cultural infrastructure facilities have been damaged or destroyed since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.