
Source: Speaker Johnson Praises Trump’s ‘Bold’ Gaza Proposal | Newsmax.com


美国众议院议长迈克·约翰逊周三赞扬了唐纳德·特朗普总统提出的美国接管饱受战争蹂躏的加沙地带的提议,并表示众议院共和党人将支持特朗普的倡议。 约翰逊在新闻发布会上说,“我认为昨天的初步宣布让很多人感到惊讶,但我认为全世界的人们都为之欢呼。为什么?因为那个地区非常危险,他正在采取大胆、果断的行动,试图确保该地区的和平。” 特朗普周二会见以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡,提议美国接管加沙地带,并在将巴勒斯坦人重新安置到其他地方后,打造“中东里维埃拉”。 约翰逊说,他正在等待特朗普计划的更多细节。他说,周四在美国国会大厦会见内塔尼亚胡时,他将与内塔尼亚胡讨论这个问题。 约翰逊表示,如果加沙“保持现状”,以色列就有可能再次遭受类似 2023 年 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击的袭击,将风险降至最低是明智之举。 约翰逊说,“我认为人们明白这样做的必要性,我们将与以色列站在一起,共同努力实现这一目标。我们将支持总统的倡议。”特朗普出人意料地提出在将巴勒斯坦人重新安置到其他地方后接管加沙的提议,这打破了美国对以巴冲突的政策,并引发了广泛的谴责。

House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., on Wednesday praised President Donald Trump’s proposal for the U.S. to take over the war-torn Gaza Strip and said House Republicans would stand with Trump on his initiative.

“The initial announcement yesterday I think was greeted by surprise by many, but cheered, by I think, people all around the world,” Johnson told a press conference. “Why? Because that area is so dangerous, and he’s taking bold, decisive action to try to secure the peace of that region.”

Meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, Trump proposed the United States take over Gaza and create a “Riviera of the Middle East” after resettling Palestinians elsewhere.

Johnson said he awaited further details on Trump’s plan. He said he would discuss the issue with Netanyahu when he meets with him at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday.

Johnson said there is a risk of another attack on Israel like the Hamas attack of Oct. 7, 2023, if Gaza remains “in its present form” and it made sense to minimize the risk.

“I think people understand the necessity of it, and we’re going to stand with Israel as they work towards this goal. And we’ll stand with the President on his initiative,” Johnson said.

Trump’s surprise proposal to take over Gaza after resettling Palestinians elsewhere has shattered U.S. policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and sparked widespread condemnation.

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