Source: Donald Trump moves inauguration indoors due to weather
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由于华盛顿特区天气寒冷,当选总统唐纳德·特朗普下令周一的就职典礼在室内举行,这是 40 年来该仪式首次不在美国国会大厦和国家广场的台阶上举行。 取而代之,特朗普将在国会大厦圆顶下的圆形大厅内宣誓就职,1985 年罗纳德·里根也在同一地点举行了就职典礼,原因也是天气原因。 唐纳德·特朗普的第二次就职典礼将于周一在美国国会大厦举行,其准备工作已经开始。周一的天气预报显示,夜间最低气温为零下 12 摄氏度,白天最高气温为零下 5 摄氏度,不过天气晴朗干燥。特朗普表示,加上风寒效应,气温可能接近历史最低水平。 他在“真相传媒”上发帖称,“北极寒流正在席卷美国。我不想看到人们受到任何形式的伤害。对于成千上万的执法人员、急救人员、警犬甚至马匹以及将在户外待上数小时的数十万支持者来说,这种情况非常危险。” 人群通常会挤满国家广场观看就职典礼。这位当选总统表示,就职典礼将在华盛顿第一首都竞技场进行电视转播,他还将于周日在那里举行集会。他说,他将在宣誓就职后前往该竞技场。 国家广场的活动准备工作已经在进行中,国会大厦外已经设置了座位,路障也已经设置好,准备迎接一场庞大的安全和后勤行动。
President-elect Donald Trump has ordered Monday’s inauguration be held indoors due to cold weather in Washington DC, the first time in 40 years the ceremony will not be held outdoors on the steps of the US Capitol and the National Mall.
Instead, Trump will be sworn in inside the rotunda below the Capitol’s dome, the same venue Ronald Reagan used for his inauguration in 1985 also due to weather conditions.
Preparation for Donald Trump’s second inauguration at the US Capitol, which will take place in the early hours of Tuesday (Australia time), have started.Credit: Getty Images
The forecast for Monday predicts an overnight low of minus 12 degrees celsius and a daytime high of minus five, though conditions will be sunny and dry. Trump said with the windchill factor, temperatures could near record lows.
“There is an Arctic blast sweeping the Country. I don’t want to see people hurt, or injured, in any way,” he posted on TruthSocial. “It is dangerous conditions for the tens of thousands of Law Enforcement, First Responders, Police K9s and even horses, and hundreds of thousands of supporters that will be outside for many hours.”
Crowds would normally pack the National Mall to witness the inauguration. The President-elect said the ceremony would instead be televised at Capital One Arena in Washington, where he was also due to hold a rally on Sunday. He would attend the arena following his swearing-in, he said.
Preparations were already underway at the National Mall for the event, with seats being set up outside the Capitol and roadblocks already in place ahead of what is a mammoth security and logistical operation.